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Tutorials and research aids


Stata basics (PDF documents, codename: Jack Lemmings):

1. LAB 1 -- Stata interface, loading data, and basic summary commands

2. LAB 2 -- Plots, editing, and generating variables

3. LAB 3 -- Binary variables, t-tests, and pr-tests

4. LAB 4 -- Regression and forecasting

5. LAB 5 -- Interacted variables, nonlinear regression, and logit/ probit

6. LAB 6 -- Appending, merging, and variable types


R basics (Word documents, codename: Hannibal Vector):

1. LAB 1 -- R interface, objects, and summary commands

2. LAB 2 -- Functions and loops

3. LAB 3 -- Data structures and R packages


Stata-to-R translator document (codename: Trance Burger)



Research data and code


Coming soon ...


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